Thursday, June 4, 2009

Virtual Server Training done by Cyberspace Denric Cloud

Denric Blaauw came to Sizimisele Sec to give EMDC Est Team a Virtual Trip into Cyberspace. He got the servers (2x of them on line) and started the training.

Albie got only his real head visible while his virtual body was gone. Denric found the total package eventually and continue with training. After a while he went to the drawing board to do the "old" teaching style - using a koki pen on a normal plastic whiteboard. He draw and draw and draw lines to explain the concept of old vs new server. (I got lost but found my body again). Mark sat back and critically evaluate the whole virtual server concept trip into Milkyway Cyberspace @ Sutherland's Telescope III. Bonny decided to take notes to ensure we will be well equipped with written scribbled notes into pdf format. As usual, Sylvain had his expertise SNA / LAN input - we need that !! Denric summarized the whole virtual server concept and it went into cyberspace - we all can do it now !

Albie Head and soul in ONE


Mark C said...

As my teacher would have said:"As clear as mud!".

Mark C said...

As my teacher would have said:"As clear as mud!".

bonny said...

Thank you Denric, we appreciate your efforts and expertise.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff.

Kobus van Wyk said...

We are very fortunate to have excellent staff members who are willing to share their skills with their colleagues and schools. It is this selfless attitude that makes Khanya such a great success!