Sunday, June 14, 2009

Exploring K-Z despite Zero Temperatures @ DRGJJPS

Exploring K ZONE on a very cold day at Dr GJ JOUBERT PS, was a timing factor, but despite the rainy cold typical WC weather, the handgloves were removed and the fingers got warm after a while - working through the K-Zone software.

ALL the Foundation Phase Educators did attend the workshop, even the Deputy Principal and SNA, Mr Keith Meyer was there to see and explore. What started to be just a short introduction to K-ZONE, developed into a full ONE HOUR of exploring the 3x grades within K-ZONE. The educators clicked and navigated through the K-ZONE software. They were very impressed with the software and even delighted to know that a software was developed just for the Foundation Phase !!

After the official ending of the workshop, most of the FP Educators still navigated through the software. Even the LAN /SNA @ Dr GJ Joubert PS, Mr Keith Meyer worked throught the software while I left the LAB. The educators continued to explore the K-ZONE software to equipped themselves before they will bring the learners to the LAB next week.


1 comment:

Kobus van Wyk said...

It is good to see the eagerness with which you are adopting the K-Zone software. The best part of it is that it is free! Not licence fees! We could even give it away to non-khanya schools where technology is available.