Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Exploring zones in K ZONE @ MACASSAR PS

ALL the Foundation Phase Educators did a workshop during the examination time on the newly installed K-ZONE.

What started to be just a short introduction to K-ZONE, developed into a full 45 minutes++ of exploring the zones within K-ZONE. The educators clicked and navigated through the K-ZONE software. They were very impressed with the software and even complimented Khanya and the LTSM Team on developing such a wonderful program for the FP.

After the official ending of the workshop, most of the FP Educators still navigated through the software. I eventually left while they continue to explore the K-ZONE software. That is something noteworthy – educators willing to walk that extra “zone” or two during the exam time and in the afternoon to equipped themselves with general computer and software skills !!

1 comment:

Julian Meyer said...

We are glad that you are doing such an amazing effort in the field to promote the software. Without the team of facilitators K-Zone will be doomed to a cuboard somewhere in the Lab or office. The success of this product and upcomming ones will not be the result of the LTSM team alone, but all the facilitators in the Khanya team. Thanks for the amazing work.