Monday, June 22, 2009

Khanyans @ Villa Via Hotel on Planning to Deliver : Deliver as Planned

Almost all Khanyans were present @ the Villa Via Hotel in Gordon's Bay to share in the Khanya vision and mission. Wendy Adams and Clinton Walker opened the session and setting the pace of the morning and afternoon sessions.

Mr Kobus van Wyk started to deliver his speech and mention some of the past mistakes, but that we should not replicate the errors of the past. One new development in the technological area is the EIAWB - and Kobus elaborated on the board and its potential inside the classroom. He also said that we should within Khanya consider our ways forward from now on. Kobus also touch on the issue of Code of Conduct and in short it were about Working hours + official Leave + Meetings + Communication (sms', e-mails, blogging, reports) + Professional development. The concepts of Effectiveness and Efficiency were also explained within the productivity sphere. Kobus concluded that Khanya is standing on the threshold of very, very exciting times and busy with groundbreaking work on the African continent and that Khanya can even move further afield.

Clinton Walker with his S M A R T approach, (Specifics + Measurables + Attainable + Realistic + Timely) had a fruitful delivery on why ? where ? when ? what ? and all the other w's to be smart in your planning. He concluded with a declaration : Planning to Deliver : Deliver as Planned and if there is no shape up, you should ship out - and so we eventually all left Harbour Island, not in our ship, but in our vechicles to set our mind to shape up in our seats !!

Wendy Adams spend some value time on our planning and how to improve the curriculum delivery. She opened the floor for some fruitful contributions from the facilitators. Various models were put on the table or was it on the screen - the planning template will be developed as a skeleton with the meat to be added by all roleplayers! She was not only the organiser of the event @ the Villa Via Hotel, but the Mama Mia that ensured that we had a ***** meal in a very nice setting. Thanks.


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