Sosebenza Primary has been part of the Khanya project as from 2008 June. The school grabbed the bull by its horns from the start until now. They have'nt gone weary of making use of this wonderful resource availed to them by the Khanya project.
The SNA (Mr Xolani Ndamane) going through the process of installing Khanya LTSM on the server.
Mrs Kamana explaining to the learners what they should do during her maths lesson with grade 6s.
Mr Futho with his grade 7 class in the lab. He is so cool and confident because technology is there for him as a resource to enhance his teaching methods.
Miss Sono is happy to have the software programs like CAMI reader that assist her in building & developing the learners’s vocabulary.
The SNA (Mr Xolani Ndamane) going through the process of installing Khanya LTSM on the server.
Mrs Kamana explaining to the learners what they should do during her maths lesson with grade 6s.
Mr Futho with his grade 7 class in the lab. He is so cool and confident because technology is there for him as a resource to enhance his teaching methods.
Miss Sono is happy to have the software programs like CAMI reader that assist her in building & developing the learners’s vocabulary.
Khanya is very proud to be in partnership of a well “technology” managed school such as Sosebenza Primary. Congratulations to the School Network assistant managing the schools’ laboratory skillfully, in such a short period of time. Well Done!
Thank you for the staff’s commitment to utilize the lab effectively for curriculum delivery. We look forward to continue working with such a well ICT organized school.
Sosebenza is a good example of a school in a disadvantage area which really proved that being given resources they can achieve a lot. Keep up the good standard Sosebenza!
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