After CAMI perceptual activities, two educational games were allowed as a reward for being able to complete the LAB activity as on the OFFICIAL timetable. The time left towards the end of the period was being assigned for GAMES ! To reinforce the perceptual, literacy and numeracy skills and a host of other skills, learners engaged in a game. Is the LAB not suppose to be a LITNUM LAB ?
No, many other skills building activities can be implemented and after I scrutinized the game activities, it can be summarized as follows: reading the instructions of the game (LITERACY), then finding a clue to proceed (COMPREHENSION), using problem-solving skills to do an investigation (PLANNING), from the different learning areas included e.g. Social Science (mapwork) and Natural Science, then the learners had to decipher the task ahead by some word activities (SPELLING), that was followed by some word challenges (DECISION-MAKING), then an area was to be searched (MAPWORK SKILLS), eventually putting together a puzzle (PERCEPTUAL), doing some calculations that included Roman numerals (MATHEMATICAL skills / NUMERACY), also doing some mind mapping activites (HIERARCHICAL ORDER), then they had to focus on an specific area (ATTENTION SPAN), giving some serious concentration, expanding their wordbank (VOCABULARY), and eventually exploring the natural environment (LOR). Further, finding an object must be done by looking at colour, shape, size, spatial orientation, sequences, retention and background.