Sipho printed the notes on how to use editor. Siki guided us through some vital procedures. She worked on the graphics and managed to get her birds, insects and butterflies to use their wings - motion !!! Sipho was on his knees begging her how she did it !! He got hold of his diary and wrote down the steps. Barbara also had her input on how to get the program working. Eventually, Steward and Nontobeko got their Editor working and said that they can't wait to create new activities. I eventually hugged Barbara and thanked her for the venue and eats !!
We will keep you up-to-date on My World 6.
We as the GET EMDC EAST Team will meet again to load and finilize the new screen activities.
Heya Barbie-girl. Ek mis jou al is ek nog steeds bang vir jou.(You do understand a little bit of Afrikaans?).
I am impressed with your energy! Keep it up.
My World, isn't the GET moving fast? Thank you team, for your great team spirit and dedication. Siki thanks for your guidance, Albie please keep on snapshot and Barbara we all miss you.
Awesome, that’s exactly what I was scanning for! You just spared me alot of searching around
Enjoyed reading/following your page.Please keep it coming. Cheers!
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