The Khanya EDMC East team did an indepth F4L Workshop with Wendy Adams. During the workshop, Wendy dealt with the implementation process for F4L. Different methodologies were discussed and explained. Khanya's role was also highlighted and how the way forward should be paved. The new K-Zone software was also showed.
Mr Melvyn Caroline Director: Metro East Education District, visited the LAB and experienced how the team worked with the IAWB together with the F4L material.
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We at Faure would like to thank you,Sylvain for your effort and support during our long training sessions.Its been highly appreciated.
Dit was wonderlik om myself te verryk saam met my oud-kollegas. DANKIE SALVAIN
Liewe Sylvain
Baie dankie vir die sessies wat jy aangebied het. Die opleiding is baie nodig vir opvoeders. Ek het baie geleer en geniet. Jy was baie verdraagsaam met ons en dit het die sessies maklik gemaak. Baie Dankie
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