I would like to give you a brief report of where we are at the present moment :
Thus far we have a timetable in place accommodating approximately 880 learners (26 classes) on a weekly basis from grades R to 7. Our lab has been running non stop from 25 July 2008 to the present from 8am to 3pm.
We are done with the entering of learners and educators’ names into the active directory.
Our learners have been working keenly on the following software : Robo Maths, Kipi, Fifi & Fritz, Encarta, Literacy Bank and Microsoft Office.
We are in the process of training our educators & learners with regards to the use of the internet and email facility.
We have a daily register in place making provision for the subject in focus and learning outcomes.
We intend to implement a valuation system whereby we will be able to judge how the technology has improved our numeracy and literacy levels using the external grades 3 and 6 evaluations set by the Education department as a barometer.
We hope to present a computer literacy course at a minimal fee during the last term of 2008 in order to raise funds to sustain our lab.
We are always open to comments, suggestions and advice from you. So feel free to raise your opinion since we can only learn from your experiences.
Thanking you
Riyaad Rhoda (LAN Strand Moslem Primary)
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