Bulumko Secondary School is fortunate to have received four electronic interactive whiteboards (EIWB), 4 data projectors and 4 laptops. Included in this package is the virtual science lab called Crocodile Clips. On xx October 2008 they received training on how to use both the hardware and software. Here the educators and learners have the opportunity to do experiments without blowing anything up or spilling dangerous chemicals all over the place.

On top of it the visual aspect of science as well as the interactivity with the whiteboard makes this an exciting learning experience. Now that educators have a taste of playing with the EIWB and the Crocodile clips software, isn’t it time for the learners to do the same? If Bulumko educators and learners are doing virtual science lessons, are their any other schools that they can collaborate with? Do you have what it takes?
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