Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Skills Transfer Program
Monday, September 26, 2011
Onscreen Marking
The assignment that is submitted must be in Adobe pdf format. Teachers can then mark the assignment in various ways. If they click on the calculator the program adds up the mark. Comments can be made on the assignment and mailed back to the student with the teacher keeping an electronic copy.
Some people may not agree with some of the marking methods, but it a useful tool.
For more details go to http://bit.ly/camn1X.
Microsoft Education Labs
You light up my life...

Mr Mathungana explained to me how he used the PhET simulations (http://phet.colorado.edu) of the Photo-electric effect and waves in his teaching. He explains to learners and they visually see the concepts which otherwise they would have to imagine. Change a value here and there and the investigative process starts. What if..? What is our hypothesis? Instead of getting apparatus together we can use the simulations. Do we have an answer. Does it confirm or refute our hypothesis?
On the same day at Intlanganiso I observed Mr Yali teaching a grade 9 class transformations in Mathematics on the Interactive Whiteboard. He had Master Maths (http://www.mastermaths.co.za) open going through a few slides, explaining each step of the problem. There was a set of axes a one point plotted. The program asked for a reflection of that point about the x - axis. The learner came to the board and clicked the wrong answer. The program responded. Mr Yali picked up the Interactive Active Whiteboard pen and wrote over the program on the the board. He knows his stuff with Maths and with ICT.
Was our time wasted in schools? I don’t think so. To these teachers who are working hard at getting learners to do well in Physics and in Maths, you’re the best.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Skills Transfer Session 8
Principal : Mr S. Maqhubela
Music, dance and poetry characterized the jubilation of learners and visitors during this event.
Reported by Sipho Didiza
Friday, August 26, 2011
Skills Transfer Talking Stories Session 6
Friday, August 12, 2011
Skills Transfer Session 5
2. Reading speed determination – Sipho
3. Reading Activities – Comprehension + Flash reading
6. Spelling – Speed test & Create own Spelling list - Siki
8. Basic English- Steward
9. Blogging- Bonny
2. Physics integration with IWB usage. Mark
3. Maths integration with IWB usage. Faeeza
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Did you know?

Did you know that children learn this in Organic Chemistry in the FET phase? If you have chalk, you can write its structural, condensed and molecular formulae on a chalk board. Then it goes into a book and hopefully the learners will see the pattern of how to learn it properly.
Did you know that learners cannot visualize concepts in Chemistry? How do learners "see" a molecule such as butane? The condensed formula for a molecule of this gas is CH3CH2CH2CH3 and its molecular formula is C4H10 . How does a learner construct this molecule mentally? Using a ball-and-stick model (if available) an educator can give him/her an idea.
Another idea is to do it electronically. Using software a learner can visualize and manipulate the molecule to get a better understanding. Since many schools have laptops, data projectors and Interactive Whiteboards it will be good practice to use it in their Chemistry teaching.
Did you know that the Chemistry mark is brought down by the section called Organic Chemistry? Can we do something about it? YES WE CAN, ELECTRONICALLY!
Maths and Physics Tution with Winter warmth

While Faeeza spent t

A shortcoming during these sessions was the non-availability of technology. How different it would have been with Interactive Whiteboards, but despite this it was an enjoyable experience.
Friday, July 29, 2011
MEED Skills Transfer Session 4
Participants Maths and Literacy: - GET Foundation Phase/ InerSen, SP, FET Maths, FET Science - 5 FP officials attended.
Cami Presentation
• Welcome & Attendance register:- Bonny Hendricks
• Using the Speed-test – Mental maths- Steward Blick
• Using the interface of Cami Maths and creating an understanding of the way CAMI Maths works – Sipho Didiza
• Using Search tool for activities according to outcomes -Faeeza Farao
* Revision of CAMI Perceptual by working through additional activity – Siki Notshe
• Using Blogging as reflection. Bonny
Thank you for attending.