Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sometimes the old are still useful - To tech or not to tech?

If the newer technology fails what alternatives are there? If help is not so easily available and your technology is sorely needed? Who do you call? Ghostbusters.....oops!.....facilitators.

A year-old laptop would not communicate with the data projector. After much fussing about and calls made we decided to go back to older technology. The school provided a desktop PC from a
previous lab the school had. When the data projector was plugged in, it immediately sprung to life. Hallelujah!

We installed Geogebra, Java Runtime Environment, Java Applets, Physics Simulations and Smart Software. All went well except that the desktop PC does not communicate properly with the board. This leaves another problem to be solved. Back to the drawing board.....or is it the whiteboard?

1 comment:

a thankful teacher said...

The Khanya facilitator is a real blessing in disguise when it comes to computer assistance at schools. They assist with technical problems, educator support in lab, educator computer training, Subject computer planning. Internet search help and lots more. You can phone them anytime for assistance. Thank you to Khanya for guiding us teachers.