Monday, October 26, 2009

2nd Theft / Burglary @ Loreto PS - when will it STOP ???

During 2009, Loreto PS wat hit 2x in a row with theft / burglary incidents within months !!!!! Fortunately, the bulk of ICT equipment (like laptops) are now locked away in the safe behind a thick METAL DOOR after normal school hours to secure "availability" the next day to be utilized to progress with normal educational activities to equip the already "poverty-stricken learners" with knowledge and skills.

Despite these measures, schools are constantly the target of THEFT !! When will communities / thiefs / robbers / "psychological disturbed people" realise that schools are institutions were LEARNING should take place and that young innocent LEARNERS are being equipped with skills to be prospective future citizens TO CONTRIBUTE to the well-being of ALL in an economical productive environment after them, eventually ?

Despite tight security measures, one laptop was stolen from the classroom during DAYLIGHT school hours earlier this year. Again during ALMOST daylight, robbery occured when a data projector was FORCEFULLY removed form the classroom.

Despite the proactive measures taken to secure equipment like INSURANCE, ALARMS, data projectors and EIAWB that are firmly mounted in the classrooms, behind "small burglar bars", certain "society members" DESPISE these measures to gain access and "destroy" their "own" learners / children from a future - "HOW NAIVE CAN SOME OF US BECOME" - Brutus said to Caesar !!!
Albie without a future @ ALL !!

1 comment:

Mark C said...

This just goes to show the weakest link in all types of security - people! A thinking, concerned, caring and responsible citizen of this country will never stand in another's way of learning. It just goes to show how low some people can go.