Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Danie Ackermann PS - LAB + EIAWB @ DAPS - it WORKS with RESULTS !!!

The LAN /SNA - Morney Daniels - is a fulltime appointed educator in the DAPS LAB. He is very keen on the LAB and its challenges. He assists the learners together with the Librarian Mr Thurston that is adjacent to the LAB. The learners research a topic on the computer with available software as well as in the books in the Library "inside" the LAB.
The EIAWB is functional and training was done with some of the educators on numerous occasions. The Principal - Mr K Arendse - is also involved in the training process.


Kobus van Wyk said...

Well done to these teachers who are embracing the use of technology. We need more teachers who are willing to spend time and energy to come to grips with all the electronic teaching tools that are now at our disposal.

Susan Myers said...

I am thrilled the students will be using the lab. Technology has the potential to open the world to the students. Spartanburg High School (in Spartanburg, South Carolina) students have been communicating with a girls school in South Africa this year. You can imagine the amount of learning that took place with the exchange of questions and ideas! Congratulations on receiving the chairs.