The focus was on the EIAWB. The learners who were in the Golden Acre mention that ….“we got these boards @ our schools” and they were the ones “eager” and willing to perform an activity on the board – in front of the whole Golden Acre public - they even have some skills to work with certain toolbars and how to operate them. One retired Science and Maths educator was so interested in the lessons, activities and toolbar functions (e.g. protractor) and the “ease” it can be used in a lesson that he want to start teaching again. We at Khanya must take the “technology” to the parent so that they can see, view and experience the “learning process” that is taking place in the schools with the technology available. Parents were inform about the technology at the schools and they were interested to know about the new “education tools” that are being used to “feed” their children with academic and other relevant education “food”.
I am looking forward to do more "road shows" at places like the Somerset Mall, Canal Walk, NI City, Cavendish Square, Tyger Valley and Worcester Mall. People must sit down and look at an EIAWB demo !!!
Albie the EIAWBoytjie